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Duration of Undetected Herpes: What You Should Know

Herpes can be caused either by the herpes virus type 1 or type 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2). It depends on several factors on how long a person may have herpes before they know it. Herpes natural cure – symptoms, causes and treatment – Biogetica

  1. Asymptomatic infection: Herpes can be asymptomatic or very mild. This may not cause any symptoms, or the symptoms may be so mild that they are misdiagnosed as other skin conditions. This is particularly true for HSV-2 which is the virus that causes genital outbreaks. According to studies, a large number of people who have HSV-2 are unaware of the infection because they’ve never experienced an outbreak or their symptoms were mild and therefore went unnoticed. 
  2. Lack of Testing: Routine herpes testing is usually not included in standard STI screens unless it’s requested or recommended. In the absence of visible symptoms, individuals may assume that they are not at risk or infected and may not seek to be tested. People may unknowingly carry and spread the virus. 
  3. Incubation Period: There is a variable time between initial exposure to herpes and the onset of symptoms. Herpes incubation can last from a few weeks to a few months. During this period, the virus replicates in the body and moves toward the mucous or skin membranes, where symptoms occur. The delay between the onset of symptoms and the onset of infection can cause a person to have herpes for a long period. 
  4. Atypical symptoms: Herpes can sometimes present with atypical symptoms or be mistaken for another condition. Herpes lesions can be mistaken as ingrown hairs or razor burns. It is possible that individuals may not be aware of their herpes.

How Do You Get Herpes

Herpes, a sexually transmissible infection (STI), is mainly transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact with a person infected. Herpes is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is primarily spread through direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person.

HSV-1, which is usually associated with herpes oral, is transmitted by oral contact such as kissing and sharing utensils.

HSV-2, which is often associated with genital Herpes, is transmitted by sexual contact. This includes vaginal, oral, and anal sex. HSV-1, which can cause genital Herpes via oral-genital contact, is also a possibility. You can learn more about the herpes virus and its transmission.

  • Direct Skin-to-Skin Contact Herpes is transmitted primarily through direct skin-to-skin contact. The virus can enter your body through microtears or small breaks in the mucous membranes or skin. It can happen during sexual activity, such as vaginal, oral, or anal sex.
  • Viral Shedding – Even if there are no visible symptoms or sores, the virus can be active. It will shed from a person’s mucus or skin. The asymptomatic viral shed is the term used to describe this. It is an important factor in spreading herpes. Viral shedding increases the risk of infection. 
  • Both HSV-1 (oral herpes) and HSV-2 (genital herpes) can cause the same type of herpes. HSV-1, however, is associated more with oral herpes than HSV-2. Both types can be transmitted through sexual contact. 
  • Contact with Fluids or Sores: When there are visible lesions, sores, or blisters present, the risk of transmission is highest. Herpes can be transmitted even when there are no visible symptoms. The virus may be present in the genital area or the mouth and can be spread through contact with skin, mucous tissues, or fluids of infected people (such as vaginal liquid, saliva, or semen). 
  • Multiple Sexual Partners: Sexual activity with more than one partner increases the risk of transmission. More partners mean a greater chance of encountering an infected person. To reduce the risk, it is important to use barriers such as condoms or dental dams. 
  • Herpes Transmission Timing: Herpes can be transmitted at any time. This includes both active outbreaks as well as periods of asymptomatic virus shedding. Remember that even when there are no symptoms, the virus is contagious. Take precautions to reduce the risk.


Herpes can also be transmitted without having symptoms. This is true during the asymptomatic shedding. Barrier methods like dental dams and condoms can reduce the risk but not eliminate it.

Consult a healthcare professional or healthcare provider who specializes in sexual health if you think you might have herpes, or are concerned about your sexual well-being. They can assess your situation, listen to your concerns and give you advice on how to test, prevent and manage the infection. They can offer accurate diagnoses, advice, and treatment options.


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Natural Herpes Treatment: Symptoms, Causes, & Therapies

Herpes, a viral condition caused by the HSV (herpes simplex), is a chronic problem. Once infected, HSV remains in the body of the infected person and can periodically reactivate causing symptoms. Herpes natural cure – symptoms, causes and treatment – Biogetica

Herpes is characterized by painful blisters or sores around or in the mouth. These outbreaks may be accompanied by symptoms such as itching, burning, or tingling. The virus may enter a state of dormancy in nerve cells after the initial infection and reactivate periodically, resulting in recurrent attacks.

What Does a Herpes Sore Look Like

Herpes outbreaks can look different depending on where they are located and how far along the outbreak is. Here are some of the common features:

  1. Herpes lesions progress through different stages. You may first notice swelling and redness in the affected area. Itching or tingling can also occur. The fluid-filled small blisters may then merge to form larger clusters. These blisters can be fragile and rupture, leading to the development of sores or shallow ulcers. As the sores heal, a crust may form. The crust will eventually fall off and the skin beneath will heal, leaving minimal or no scarring.
  2. Herpes sores are painful, especially during the blistering and ulceration stages. Pain can be mild or intense. The discomfort may be exacerbated by activities such as eating, drinking, and having sexual relations. Avoid picking or scratching at the sores as this will delay healing and can increase the risk for secondary infections.
  3. Location-specific features: Although oral and genital Herpes are similar in appearance, they have some differences.
  • Oral herpes: The cold sores and fever blisters that are caused by HSV-1 usually appear around or on the lips. However, they can also occur on the chin or cheeks. Blisters can be painful, and eating or drinking may become uncomfortable. They can sometimes cause swelling of the lymph nodes around the neck.
  • Genital Herpes (HSV-2: Genital herpes): Genital sores commonly occur on the external genitalia including the vulva penis scrotum and anus. These sores can also appear on the inner thighs or buttocks. These sores may cause discomfort, pain, and itching in the genital region. It can be painful for women to urinate during an outbreak, particularly if it is a large one.

 Herpes outbreaks can last for a number of days. The blisters and sores usually last between 1 to 2 weeks, but the first outbreak is often longer than the subsequent ones. The virus then retreats into nerve cells, where it remains dormant for the next few weeks.

Herpes can still be transmitted when no visible lesions are present. Asymptomatic shedding is when the virus is active but not visible. It can still be transmitted to other people through skin-to-skin contact. To reduce the risk of infection, it is important to practice safe sex and use barrier methods such as dental dams or condoms.

Antiviral medication can be used to manage herpes infection. These drugs, including acyclovir valacyclovir, and famciclovir work by blocking the replication of viruses. These medications can reduce the severity of an outbreak but also produce many side effects. Natural products including herbs and homeopathic remedies can accelerate healing and reduce the risk of spreading the virus to others by boosting the immune system. Rescue Kit With Hypericum Mysorense And Homeopathic H Factor – 80 Days Supply – Biogetica These medications are usually prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Self-care Techniques

There are many self-care methods that people with herpes, in addition to taking medication, can use to reduce their frequency and severity and manage the condition. These include:

  1. Avoid triggers. Certain factors such as stress and illness can cause outbreaks of herpes. Avoiding these triggers can help to reduce outbreaks.
  2. Barrier methods: When participating in sexual activity, barrier methods like condoms or dental dams reduce the risk that the virus will be transmitted to your sexual partner. It is important to remember that these methods are not 100% effective, since the virus can be transmitted by skin-to-skin contact.
  3. Communication with partners is important: It’s crucial to have an open and honest conversation with your sexual partners about the herpes virus. It helps to make informed decisions about sexual activity and reduces the risk of transmission.


While there is no cure for herpes at the moment, future research may lead to new treatment options or vaccines. It’s important to keep up-to-date with the latest information by consulting healthcare professionals. It is recommended that you seek medical advice if you suspect herpes, or if you are experiencing symptoms. They can offer an accurate diagnosis and treatment options.


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Understanding Herpes Transmission: Key Facts & Prevention

Herpes is an infection caused by the virus herpes simplex (HSV). Herpes can be spread through direct contact during an active outbreak or by viral shedding, even if there are no visible signs.

Modes of Transmission 

Here are the main modes of transmission for herpes:

Sexual contact: Herpes can be transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact between infected individuals and those who are infected during an active outbreak. Genital herpes is a common condition caused by HSV-2 and can be transmitted via vaginal, oral, or anal sex. HSV-1, which is usually associated with oral herpes, can be transmitted via oral-genital contact and lead to genital infections.

Herpes can enter your body during sexual contact through microtears or tiny tears in the mucous or skin. The virus settles in nerve cells close to the infection site, causing recurrent outbreaks.

Viral Shedding: Herpes can still be transmitted when no symptoms or sores are visible. This is called asymptomatic viral shedding. The virus can be shed intermittently from the mucous membranes or skin, releasing viral particles which can infect other people.

Both genital (HSV-2) and oral (HSV-1), can cause viral shedding. Estimates suggest that a large proportion of herpes is transmitted during asymptomatic shed. It is possible that someone with herpes can unknowingly spread the virus to a sexual partner even if they do not show any symptoms.

Mother-to-Child Transmission: Women with genital shingles can pass the virus on to their infants during childbirth. It is also known as neonatal or perinatal herpes. When a woman has herpes in the last stages of pregnancy, there is a higher risk of transmission. The risk of transmission increases if a woman is pregnant and has an active outbreak, or experiences prodromal symptoms such as tingling, burning, or itching before giving birth. The newborn can suffer severe consequences from Neonatal Herpes. It is therefore important that pregnant women with the virus work closely with their doctors to minimize the risk and manage the condition.

Herpes cannot be transmitted by casual contact, or inanimate objects, such as toilet seats or clothing, or utensils. To transmit the virus, it must come into direct contact with the skin or mucous tissues of an infected individual.

Tips For Preventing Herpes

Preventing herpes is the best way to reduce its risk. Here are some other preventive measures.

  1. Use of latex or polyurethane condoms: Latex or polyurethane condoms during sexual activity, when used correctly and consistently, can reduce the risk of herpes transmission. Condoms are not always effective in protecting against herpes, since they do not cover the entire genital or anal region.
  2. Antiviral Medicines: Prescribed by a health care professional, antiviral medicines can reduce the severity and frequency of herpes outbreaks but can produce several side effects. Natural products such as Hyperisince can reduce the risk of viral transmission and shedding. These medications can be helpful for people with herpes when taken as prescribed, especially in conjunction with other preventive measures.
  3. Communication and awareness: Being honest and open with your sexual partners and communicating about the herpes virus can help you make informed decisions when it comes to sexual activity. Herpes awareness, including its transmission methods and impact, can reduce stigma.
  4. Good Hygiene: Regular handwashing and other good hygiene practices can reduce the spread of the virus.


It is vital to seek medical help if you suspect you or your partner has herpes. This will allow you to receive the correct diagnosis and treatment, as well as reduce the chance of transmission. Healthcare professionals can offer guidance on herpes testing, treatment options, and prevention strategies.

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Understanding Homeopathy: Its Principles and Remedies

Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that was developed in the late 18th century by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. It is based on the principle of “like cures like,” which means that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used in very small amounts to treat similar symptoms in a sick person.

According to the principles of homeopathy, diseases are believed to be caused by a disturbance in the vital force or life energy of an individual. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances such as plants, minerals, or animal sources. These substances undergo a process of dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking) to create highly diluted solutions.

One of the key concepts in homeopathy is the law of infinitesimals. The remedies are diluted to the point where little, if any, of the original substance remains in the final product. Homeopaths believe that the potentization process enhances the healing properties of the remedy while minimizing any potential toxic effects.

Homeopathic treatment is individualized, taking into account the specific symptoms, emotions, and overall state of the person. Remedies are selected based on the principle of similarity, where a substance that would produce similar symptoms in a healthy person is prescribed to stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms.

Critics of homeopathy argue that the extreme dilutions used in homeopathic remedies render them essentially equivalent to a placebo. If you have a health concern, it is recommended to consult a qualified healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

How Do Homeopathic Medicines Work

Homeopathy is based on the concept that highly diluted substances can stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms. Homeopathic remedies are prepared through a process of dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking). This process is believed to transfer the healing properties of the original substance to the remedy while eliminating any potential toxic effects. The final product often contains only trace amounts of the original substance or may be so diluted that no molecules of the original substance remain.

Proponents of homeopathy suggest that the potentization process somehow enhances the healing properties of the remedy and that water retains a “memory” of the original substance even after it has been diluted to the point of near or complete absence. They believe that the energetic imprint of the substance remains and can have a therapeutic effect on the vital force or life energy of the person.

Main Principle of Homeopathy

The main principle of homeopathy is the concept of “like cures like,” also known as the law of similars. This principle suggests that a substance that can cause certain symptoms in a healthy person can be used in a highly diluted form to treat similar symptoms in a sick person.

In other words, homeopathy believes that a substance that produces symptoms in a healthy individual can stimulate the body’s healing response to alleviate those same symptoms in an unwell person. This is based on the idea that symptoms are the body’s natural response to an underlying imbalance or disturbance, and by introducing a highly diluted remedy that mimics those symptoms, the body’s self-healing mechanisms can be activated.

For example, if a person has a fever, a homeopath might prescribe a highly diluted remedy made from a substance that, in its original form, can induce a fever in a healthy person. The belief is that the remedy will trigger a healing response and help the body restore balance.

Another principle within homeopathy is the concept of individualization. Homeopathic treatment takes into account the unique symptoms, emotions, and overall state of each person. The remedy selected is based on a holistic assessment of the individual rather than simply targeting a specific disease or condition.

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Homeopathic Nosodes – A Boon To Homeopathy

Homeopathic nosodes, also known as homeopathic remedies, are made from secretions or excretions of diseased tissues. Homeopathic nosodes are used to immunize against various diseases. Homeopathic nosodes stimulate the body’s healing mechanisms and help boost the immune system.

Homeopathic preparations such as nosodes are usually diluted until there is little or no trace of the original substance. Homeopathic nosodes work by leaving a “memory”, or “energetic impression”, in the carrier substance or water. This can have healing properties.

How Homeopathic Nosodes Stimulate Immune Response

According to Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy and its principles, the mechanism by which nosodes stimulate the immune system is based on homeopathic principles. According to the homeopathic theory of healing, the process of dilution and amplification used to make nosodes enhances their healing abilities and stimulates the body’s own self-healing mechanism.

Homeopathy advocates believe that highly diluted nosodes have an “energetic memory” or “imprint” of the substance they were made from. This energetic imprint is thought to interact with the vital force of the body, which in homeopathy represents the body’s inherent healing power or life force. It is believed that by introducing the nosode to the body, the vital force will respond, causing a healing response.

Research on the effectiveness and mechanism of action of homeopathic nosodes and their ability to stimulate immune responses is limited. Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and other meta-analyses of the evidence have been conducted. Some studies have examined the effects of homeopathic nosodes on the immune system.

Herpes Nosodes

Herpes nosodes are prepared by a homeopathic process of dilution, potentiation, and re-dilution. The original substance (herpes-infected tissue or secretion), is diluted repeatedly and then vigorously shaken or succussed. This process, according to homeopathic principles, is thought to increase the healing properties. Homeopathic herpes nosodes stimulate the immune system or vital force of the body to respond to herpes viruses, potentially resulting in a reduction of symptoms or preventing further outbreaks.

Homeopathic nosodes are highly diluted and contain no molecules from the original substance; it still retains a “memory”, or energetic imprint, that can positively affect the body. Homeopathy uses dilutions that are so extreme they exceed Avogadro’s number. This means that there is little chance that any original molecules will remain in the end product.

Antiviral drugs are the mainstay of conventional medicine’s approach to treating herpes. These medications, like acyclovir or valacyclovir and famciclovir work by inhibiting herpes virus replication and reducing severity and duration but can produce numerous side effects.

Homeopathic nosodes that are derived from specific diseases can stimulate the immune system and protect against that disease. This concept is based upon the principle “like cures similar” or “law of similarities” in homeopathy. It suggests that a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people can be used as a treatment for diseased people.


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Holistic Approaches to Acid Reflux Relief

Acid reflux, characterized by the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus, triggers symptoms such as heartburn, regurgitation, bloating, and swallowing difficulties.

However, numerous natural strategies can alleviate acid reflux:

  • Dietary Changes: Consuming acid reflux-triggering foods and beverages like spicy or fried foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, chocolate, caffeine, and alcohol can exacerbate symptoms. Instead, adopt a diet rich in fiber, low in fat and acid, featuring whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Eating smaller, frequent meals instead of heavy ones can also help.
  • Weight Control: Excessive weight can escalate acid reflux risk due to increased stomach pressure. Maintaining a healthy weight can, therefore, alleviate symptoms.
  • Sleeping Posture: Raising your bed’s head by 6-8 inches can inhibit acid backflow during sleep. This can be achieved using bricks or blocks under your bed frame’s head or a wedge-shaped pillow.
  • Stress Management: Stress can intensify acid reflux symptoms. Employing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can be beneficial.
  • Herbal Remedies: Certain herbs like ginger and licorice can soothe acid reflux symptoms. However, consult your doctor before incorporating any new herbal remedies to avoid potential medication interactions or side effects.
  • Smoking Cessation: Smoking can aggravate the esophageal lining and exacerbate acid reflux symptoms. Quitting smoking can enhance overall health and mitigate acid reflux symptoms.

Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

Consider these home remedies for managing acid reflux:

  • Daily consumption of a ripe banana may alleviate acid reflux symptoms due to its natural antacid properties.
  • Half a cup of ginger tea on an empty stomach can aid digestion and alleviate acid reflux symptoms. Ginger slices simmered in water for about 30 minutes can be consumed before meals for best results.
  • Freshly squeezed curry leaf juice combined with lime can potentially relieve nausea, morning sickness, and vomiting. This juice can be consumed twice daily.
  • Licorice can be consumed as a tincture, supplement, or tea to naturally decrease gastric acid.
  • Lower carbohydrate intake can reduce bloating and belching, mitigating reflux symptoms.

Holistic solutions like homeopathic preparations, Ayurvedic herbs, and dietary supplements can complement a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and diet to provide comprehensive relief from acid reflux. Biogetica combines these natural therapies into a single kit to address the root cause of the issue and ensure lasting relief. Supported by extensive homeopathic and Ayurvedic research, our products offer safe and effective relief from acid reflux. Visit for a free consultation and to learn more about our holistic solutions for acid reflux.

Besides these natural remedies, maintaining healthy lifestyle habits such as regular exercise, staying hydrated, and avoiding tight clothing that compresses the abdomen is essential.

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Ayurvedic Buttermilk (Takra): Health Benefits & Dosha-Specific Recipes

Charaka Acharya, a revered figure in Ayurveda, posits that Ayurvedic buttermilk, or takra, aids in cleansing and purifying the intricate channels within our body that deliver nutrients to our cells.

Even though Ayurvedic buttermilk is derived from yogurt, its characteristics significantly alter once it transforms into takra.

Furthermore, the act of blending while preparing buttermilk enhances agni, or the digestive fire.

Takra, in essence, is a beverage prepared using yogurt, water, and a mix of digestive herbs and spices.

The ratio of yogurt to water in its preparation is 1:4, followed by a blending process. This can be done in a blender or by shaking the mixture in a jar.

Blending helps separate the fat from the yogurt, which appears as frothy bubbles atop the takra.

One can remove this fat using a spoon or by straining the takra through a sieve.

It’s up to personal preference whether to remove all, some, or none of the fat.

The live cultures present in the yogurt serve as probiotics, greatly benefiting gut health. This highly digestible drink promotes metabolism, aids in the digestion of fats, supports hydration due to its high electrolyte content, restores healthy appetite, revives colon intelligence, and provides relief from constipation, gas, and hemorrhoids.

The quantity of fat you choose to retain in takra can be guided by your dosha.

For KAPHA individuals or those with a sluggish, weak, or slow metabolism (manda agni), takra with all the fat removed, being the lightest, is most beneficial.

VATA individuals, on the other hand, would find takra with none of the fat removed most suitable as fat provides grounding and soothing effects for them.

Regular consumption of buttermilk may lead to constipation. This can be countered by adding a bit of fresh lemon juice.

For PITTA individuals who generally possess strong digestion and can handle heavier foods but not large amounts of fat, takra with a moderate amount of fat is ideal.

Generally, takra is warming and is best suited for vata and kapha body types. However, pitta individuals can also enjoy it by incorporating cooling spices like cilantro, mint, and fennel. Pitta recipes are also recommended for use in the summer.

It’s important to distinguish takra from lassi, a well-known yogurt-based drink commonly found in Indian restaurants.

  • Lassi is not the same as takra. It contains a greater quantity of yogurt, less water, and the fat isn’t removed.
  • Lassi is also typically sweetened with fruits, like in the case of the popular, albeit hard-to-digest, mango lassi. In Ayurveda, fruit and milk are generally considered incompatible.

Ayurvedic buttermilk or takra is the clear liquid produced when cultured cream is blended to create butter, a process I’ve personally employed to make ghee traditionally.

The traditional method to make butter involves churning cultured, creamy yogurt to separate the fat from the liquid.

When we prepare Ayurvedic buttermilk, we essentially separate the butterfat from the yogurt.

The froth and foam skimmed off the top can be gathered and further processed into butter.

The best takra recipes for calming vata or aiding those with indigestion include roasted cumin and salt, coriander and salt, roasted cumin with fresh black pepper and salt, ground ginger with cumin and salt, asafetida with cumin and salt (useful for gas and bloating), ground ginger with cumin and coriander (for gas and bloating), and dry ginger.

For kapha individuals, takra with trikatu, black pepper, pippali and black salt, or fresh mint with black pepper and salt are recommended.

For pitta, takra with sugar, fresh or dried mint, or sugar with fresh mint are suggested.

This article is authored by Dr. Shivani Desai (M D Ayurveda).

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Natural Remedies and Herbs for Respiratory Health Support and Problem Mitigation

There exists a variety of natural strategies that can be harnessed to bolster respiratory health and mitigate respiratory issues. Nevertheless, these suggestions are not intended as replacements for medical care. If you’re suffering from acute respiratory symptoms, it’s crucial to urgently seek medical help. Free medical consultation can be obtained at

Here are a few natural remedies for respiratory discomfort:

  • Saltwater Gargle: Gargling with saltwater can alleviate a sore throat, decrease inflammation, and expel mucus from airways. It operates by extracting surplus fluid from inflamed throat tissues and reducing mucous membrane swelling. To prepare a saltwater gargle, combine 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water. Stir until salt dissolves and gargle with the mixture for about 30 seconds before spitting it out.
  • Herbal Teas: Certain herbal teas can relax the respiratory system and decrease inflammation. For instance, ginger tea can alleviate inflammation and enhance circulation, whereas peppermint tea can relax respiratory system muscles and alleviate congestion. Chamomile tea possesses innate anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation and irritation in the respiratory system. To prepare herbal tea, immerse 1-2 teaspoons of dried herbs in hot water for 5-10 minutes, strain the tea and drink while it’s still warm.
  • Honey: Honey’s natural anti-inflammatory properties can soothe a sore throat. It can be added to tea or consumed as it is. Moreover, honey possesses natural antimicrobial properties that can combat infections. To leverage honey for respiratory issues, mix 1-2 teaspoons of honey into a warm tea or hot water cup. Honey can also be consumed directly, either by the teaspoon or mixed with a little warm water.
  • Eucalyptus Oil: Eucalyptus oil can be utilized in a diffuser or added to hot water for steam inhalation. It possesses natural decongestant properties that can clear mucus from airways. Moreover, eucalyptus oil has natural antimicrobial properties that can combat infections. For respiratory issues, add a few drops of the oil to a diffuser or hot water and inhale deeply for 5-10 minutes.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity can enhance lung function and fortify the respiratory system. Exercise can increase oxygen flow to the lungs and augment the body’s oxygen utilization efficiency. Additionally, exercise can decrease inflammation in the respiratory system and boost overall respiratory health. Activities such as walking, jogging, swimming, and yoga can all contribute to improved respiratory health.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking can lead to various respiratory issues, including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and lung cancer. Ceasing smoking is one of the most significant steps towards supporting respiratory health. It can alleviate respiratory system inflammation, enhance lung function, and decrease the risk of serious respiratory issues. Visit Biogetica for more information on natural remedies for overcoming smoking addiction.

These natural remedies can bolster respiratory health and alleviate respiratory issues.

Herbs for healing respiratory symptoms

Several natural herbs can assist with respiratory issues. Here are a few:

  • Ginger: Ginger is a warming herb that’s been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Its primary active compound, gingerol, possesses anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Ginger can alleviate congestion, decrease inflammation, and soothe coughs. Fresh ginger can be added to tea or used in cooking. Ginger supplements are also available.
  • Peppermint: Peppermint, known for its cooling, refreshing scent, is often used in managing colds and flu. Its main active compound, menthol, has a natural decongestant effect and can help clear airways. Peppermint can also relieve sinus pressure and headaches. Peppermint oil can be used in a diffuser, added to hot water for steam inhalation, or applied topically in a chest rub.
  • Thyme: Thyme, a fragrant herb, has been used for its herbal properties for centuries. Its main active compound, thymol, has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Thyme can aid in loosening mucus, reducing inflammation, and soothing coughs. Thyme can be used in cooking or as a tea with fresh or dried thyme leaves.
  • Licorice Root: Licorice root, known for its sweet, woody flavor, is often used in traditional Chinese medicine. Its main active compound, glycyrrhizin, has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Licorice root can soothe the throat, reduce coughing, and loosen mucus. It can be used in tea or taken as a supplement.
  • Mullein: Mullein, a plant with fuzzy leaves, has been used for respiratory ailments for centuries. Its main active compounds, saponins, and mucilage have expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. Mullein can loosen mucus, reduce inflammation, and soothe coughs. It can be used in tea or taken as a supplement.

It’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional before using any natural herbs, especially if you’re dealing with a respiratory condition or taking prescription medications.

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Top 7 Immunity-Boosting Supplements: Natural Therapy Expert Recommendations

Immunity is the ability of an organism to fight or resist harmful pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, or parasites and to protect itself against getting sick. This protection is either innate or acquired. Innate immunity is the non-specific and natural defense an organism has at birth. Examples include skin, mucous tissues, and stomach acids. Acquired immunity is the protection that occurs after exposure to specific pathogens, whether through vaccination or natural infection. The duration of acquired immunity depends on the pathogen type and the immune response.

Herbs are used to maintain health and wellness and boost immunity for centuries. Although there are still few scientific studies that support the use of some herbs as immune modulators, many herbs have properties believed to help support the immune system. Biogetica has the best supplements for boosting immunity. To learn more, click on

These are the top 7 supplements recommended by natural health practitioners for boosting immunity.

  1. Vitamin C: Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, supports the immune system through the stimulation of white blood cell production. It can protect the body from damage caused by harmful free radicals, and reduce inflammation.
  2. Zinc: Zinc plays a vital role in a healthy immune response. It is also involved in several important immunity-related processes, such as the production of white cells and the activation of T lymphocytes.
  3. Vitamin D: Vitamin D, also known as “sunshine”, is essential for the immune system. Low vitamin D levels have been associated with a higher risk of infection as well as weaker immunity.
  4. Probiotics: Live bacteria are present in the intestine. They balance the gut microbiome which is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system.
  5. Echinacea: It has traditionally been used as a herb to boost the immune system. It’s believed to boost the body’s defense mechanisms and increase the production of white cells.
  6. Garlic: Garlic has antifungal and antiviral properties. It is known to improve immunity by increasing white blood cell production and overall immunity.
  7. Elderberry: Elderberry has been used to boost the immune system for centuries. It contains a lot of antioxidants, and it has been proven to prevent and treat illnesses like the flu.

Remember that supplements cannot replace a healthy diet, regular physical activity, or good sleeping habits. You should always consult your healthcare provider prior to starting a new supplement regimen. This will ensure that the product is appropriate and safe for you. Chat with a doctor at

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India’s Seasonal Fruits: Your Guide to Their Health Benefits

Fruits for different seasons –

India has a diverse climate that affects both the human body and its surroundings. It is important to consume foods that are specific to the season to adapt to these changing seasons without compromising your immune system. Fruits of the season are particularly healthy as they contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. They provide the body with all of its nutritional requirements and help to promote good health through changing seasons.

Fruits for Summer-

Summer in India can be very intense. Dehydration and significant drops in energy are common during this period. Certain fruits are recommended to maintain a balance between water and nutrition.

  • Coconut – Coconut is a good source of potassium and magnesium. It is refreshing.
  • Watermelon is a great summertime health food that can help with kidney stones, skin problems, asthma, asthmatic symptoms, constipation and water retention.
  • Muskmelon: Helps to control blood pressure, and prevents eye issues.
  • Lychee – Promotes blood circulation and skin, eye, heart, bone, and heart health. It also manages acidity.
  • Mango – Helps to prevent heart-related disease.
  • Limes – Possessing medicinal properties, limes beautify internally and externally. They also boost energy levels.
  • Jackfruit – Maintains colon health and contains antioxidants. Improves skin glow.
  • Grapes – Beneficial in treating migraine headaches, kidney problems, and high blood pressure.

Fruits to Enjoy in the Pre-Monsoon/Late-Summer –

The increasing heat, humidity and discomfort during this time period require an additional dose of antioxidants to maintain overall health.

  • Black Jamun: Contains potassium, iron, folate and vitamins. Helps with diabetes, blood pressure regulation, and immunity.
  • Blackberries: Boost the production of red blood cells and encourage healthy bone growth.
  • Peaches – Promotes fetal growth, eye and skin health and relieves muscle cramps.
  • Plums are rich in folic acids.
  • Cherries can help with sleep disorders and blood pressure.

Fruits for the Monsoon

During monsoons, the body is more susceptible to skin rashes and digestive problems, as well as infections, allergies, and gastrointestinal issues.

  • Pears are rich in vitamin C, which boosts immunity.
  • White Jamun- Has refreshing and cooling properties. It is beneficial for diabetics as it controls blood sugar.
  • Pomegranate: Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to control blood pressure, treat diarrhoea, and prevent colds and flu.

Fruits for Winter-

Winter brings a bounty fresh fruits.

  • Oranges: A citrus fruit rich in nutrients and low calories that helps to maintain a healthy, clear skin. It also reduces the risks of many health conditions.
  • Sweet lime – mild and sweet, it helps to keep the body hydrated.
  • Figs: Rich in nutrients, they reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, regulate blood sugar, and encourage healthy digestion.
  • Strawberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which is good for the heart and blood sugar levels.
  • Guava – An immune booster, which also helps with constipation, stress reduction and eye sight improvement.
  • Custard Apples – These apples are particularly beneficial in treating anaemia, and they also work well against acne.
  • Pineapple is a nutrient-dense fruit that helps in the healing of injuries.

Fruits for all Seasons

  • Apple – Promotes healthy gut bacteria and acts as a natural probiotic. It also strengthens your teeth.
  • Bananas – Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, which strengthens muscles and the nervous system.
  • Papaya is high in fibre and helps with digestion. It is rich in vitamin C, A and B, as well as E and K.


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Ayurveda on Hydration: Water Consumption & Digestion Rules

Water makes up approximately 65-75 percent of the body. Water hydrates cells and tissues and is essential for regulating the body’s temperature. It also nourishes organs. The water we consume is essential for many bodily functions, including respiration and perspiration.

Here are a Few Rules to Drink Water:

  • Drinking water is best done while sitting down: rather than standing up. This allows for efficient water absorption and distribution throughout the body. Standing up while drinking could disrupt fluid balance and lead to arthritis as fluid accumulates in the joints. Sitting and drinking helps relax your muscles and nervous systems, which in turn promotes better digestion and fluid absorbtion. The kidneys can also filter better in this position.
  • It’s better to drink water slowly than in large quantities: This prevents the diluting of blood and stomach juices. It is also important to take small sips of water throughout the day, rather than gulping down large amounts at once.
  • Warm or room temperature water is always preferred over ice cold water: Cold water consumption can cause long-term health problems such as digestive issues, constipation and heart complications. Cold water can cause digestive problems and reduce blood flow to organs. This may lead to constipation. Tepid water, on the other hand, aids digestion and metabolism. It can promote weight loss, reduce bloating, and even help with discomfort.
  • Avoid drinking straight from the source: Consume stored water instead. Ayurveda recommends using copper, silver or steel containers for water storage. These materials can positively charge the water and balance the three doshas.

When your body tells you to drink water, stop drinking it when you feel hydrated. The body can’t efficiently process too much water. Each person has a different water requirement. You can maintain a healthy body balance by recognizing your body’s cues.

Ayurvedic practices recommend drinking water in the morning. This practice is known as Ushapan. This routine is best performed 45 minutes before sunrise to cleanse your body and purify the intestines.

Ayurveda says it is best to drink water in between meals, rather than before or after eating. This can have a negative impact on digestion. Water consumption immediately before or after a meal may cause digestion to be impaired, and drinking water directly after eating can lead to obesity.

Drinking water that’s been reduced to a third or half its original volume can improve digestion. Drinking a lot of water in the belief that it is healthy may not be beneficial. Ayurveda says that even water must be digested.

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Overcome Obesity Naturally: Reduce Health Risks | biogetica

The condition of obesity occurs when an abnormal amount of body fat is deposited or if the fat is deposited unevenly. Other serious health issues can occur. Fat accumulation puts strain on the muscles, bones, and other organs in the body. The body also experiences hormonal and metabolic changes. Obesity does not necessarily mean you’ll develop all health problems. It increases your risk of developing any one or more health problems. Free consultation with a physician at

Obesity And its Health Effects Are:

Type 2 Diabetes

This occurs when blood sugar levels are higher than normal. It can also increase your risk for other health problems like heart disease, kidney problems, vision problems and nerve damage.

Heart Disease

Obesity is associated with heart disease. Fat deposits in the arteries supplying blood to the heart increase over time. Obesity can lead to high blood pressure, blood sugar and lipids, which are all factors that contribute to heart disease.


Heart disease and stroke are closely related. Strokes are caused by a blockage of the brain’s blood supply. A stroke can damage brain cells, resulting in severe disabilities, such as impaired speech and language, weak muscles and disturbed reasoning and thinking skills.

Sleep Apnea

A person can stop breathing for a moment while asleep. Obese people are more likely to suffer from sleep apnea. The airway becomes smaller because of the extra fat around the neck. Snoring can be caused by a smaller airway, as well as difficulty breathing at night. Weight loss can reduce the fat around the neck, reducing the risk of sleep-apnea.

High Blood Pressure

The blood vessels narrow when fat deposits are deposited in body cells. This means that more blood is needed to reach the organs. Your heart will have to work harder in order to pump blood to the other parts of your body. The arteries are put under more pressure. Hypertension or high blood pressure is the result of increased pressure on the arteries. Chronic hypertension can cause heart disease in people who suffer from it.

Liver Disease

Fat liver disease is a common liver condition that can affect obese people. It is a condition where extra fat accumulates in the liver. This excess fat can cause damage to the liver’s structure and function, and lead to cirrhosis. It is possible that a person will not show any symptoms, but over time it can lead to chronic liver disease and eventually liver failure. Losing weight, exercising, and avoiding alcohol consumption are the best ways to manage this condition.

Gallbladder Disease

Gallbladders play an important part in digestion as they store bile. It helps to digest fats when it is passed into the small intestines. Gallstones can develop in obese people. Gallstones are formed when bile accumulates and builds up in the gallbladder. Obesity can cause higher cholesterol levels in bile, which may interfere with the normal function of the gallbladder. Gallstones can be painful.

Pregnancy complications

Overweight women are more likely to develop high blood pressure, high sugar levels and insulin resistance. This increases the risks of complications during pregnancy or delivery. During pregnancy, there are many risks, including blood clots and premature birth.


Many people who are obese may also suffer from depression, according to studies. The stigma of obesity can cause depression and feelings of low self-worth.

How to Lose Weight Without Exercising?

Preventing unwanted weight gain due to excess body fat is the most important aspect of an effective weight-management strategy. According to studies, it is hard for many people to lose body fat and they are at high risk of regaining the weight that they have lost.

The etiology for obesity is influenced by genetics, environment, behavior, and lifestyle. Obesity is a risk for people who do not exercise enough and consume too much food relative to their energy intake. Here are some tips that can help people lose weight naturally.

Physical Activity

Weight loss naturally requires increased physical activity. The intensity, duration and frequency of physical activity vary for each individual and are dependent on a variety of factors, including medical conditions, physical limitations and personal interests.

Modifications to behavior and lifestyle

Behavioral strategies to lose weight aim at increasing physical activity, reducing calorie intake and changing eating habits. It is important to monitor dietary intake as well as physical activity. Click here to speak with our doctor for a diet that may help to manage your weight.

Weight loss requires that people eat at regular times, only eat in one location, and leave the table when they are finished. Restructuring the environment to reduce overeating and physical activity is another important part of weight management. Many people gain weight due to their busy lifestyles or hectic work schedules. They cannot avoid eating unhealthy food and fried foods.

Alternative treatments, herbs and diet supplements

Alternative therapies can help eliminate the cause of obesity and aid in weight loss. Herbs, homeopathic ingredients and diet supplements are natural remedies that stimulate metabolic processes and balance hormone levels. They also reduce excess fat storage and regulate appetite.

  1. Yograj guggul: This herb has been used for centuries to help balance hormones and to prepare the body to prevent unwanted fat from being stored.
  2. Allium sativum: is also known as Lehsun. This herb is said to have antioxidant and detoxifying qualities. It helps maintain a healthy weight by cleansing the body and removing toxins.
  3. Trigonella fenum graceum (Methi seeds): Studies have shown that this natural ingredient has been used to balance metabolism and nutrition in the body.
  4. Piper noirrum (Kalimirchi): A natural substance with anti-oxidant qualities. It has been traditionally believed that it reduces oxidative stress, and improves metabolism.
  5. Phytolacca: It is a homeopathic medicine that has been used for centuries to reduce fat accumulation in body cells. It is believed to increase energy and decrease calorie intake.

Losing Weight Naturally

  • Drinking more water will help you maintain a healthy weight. Water boosts metabolism and helps burn calories. Water before meals can help people consume fewer calories, and lose weight.
  • Whole eggs can be beneficial to the body, and they can also help you lose weight. You can lose weight by replacing whole grains in your breakfast with eggs. You can eat less calories by eating eggs. Vegetarians can consume any source of protein.
  • Drink black coffee, as it’s loaded with antioxidants. It is loaded with antioxidants and has many health benefits.
  • Green tea contains anti-oxidants. It’s believed to help improve metabolism and boost fat loss. It helps your body to naturally detoxify.
  • Many people practice intermittent fasting. People who alternate between fasting and eating are believed to lose weight. It can help in losing muscle mass.
  • Sugar is a major cause of weight gain.
  • Sugar consumption increases the risk of obesity and other health issues such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Sugar consumption can help you lose weight.
  • Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates: These are foods that have no nutritional value. These include foods like pasta and bread. According to studies, refined carbohydrates can cause blood sugar levels to rise, causing hunger, sugar cravings and an increase in calorie intake.
  • Low carbohydrate diets are helpful in weight loss. Also, it is believed that it maintains overall good health.
  • Smaller meals eaten at regular intervals will also help you eat less calories. Some people can also benefit from this strategy if they want to lose some weight. This strategy may not be suitable for everyone.
  • Eat healthy food when you are hungry Many people eat sugary foods when they feel like it. It is easy for them to reach for a burger, or chocolate to satisfy hunger. However, this can negatively affect their weight. If you are hungry, try eating a fruit salad or other healthy snack.
  • Consume more fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables contain fiber and other nutrients. Fruits and vegetables also contain antioxidants that help detoxify the blood. Eating more fruits and vegetables helps you lose weight.
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Herbal Herpes Remedies: Enhance Immunity, Control Outbreaks

Are you sick and tired of herpes outbreaks affecting your finances, health, and life? There are many standard remedies to heal lesions and relieve pain. However, there are also natural remedies which can help you in a similar way or even more.

Herpes can be a difficult condition to deal with, especially if you have genital or oral herpes. Natural therapies are a typical way to treat herpes. They have proven to be effective, safe and quick.

Supplements and herbs have a profound impact on your body. Herbs have been used for many ailments, from colds to illnesses, including the famous herpes. Some natural remedies are taken orally, while others can be applied topically.

Homeopathy and Ayurveda are natural remedies that you can try. Homeopathic remedies can help balance your constitution. Natural herbs can give you a great deal of hope. After using Hypericum Mysorense, many people who suffered from recurrent outbreaks are able to enjoy their lives. Hypericum Mysorense is a herb that boosts immunity and is an antiviral. Herpes can be controlled by this natural herb.

Visit for a free chat with a physician and to learn more about this natural herb.

It is important to have a positive attitude and energy when you’re managing a herpes condition. This will help you manage your life. Negative feelings can affect your emotional state, which in turn can cause flare-ups. Herpes can be treated more effectively and faster by focusing on your body and brain.

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Biogetica Unveils Study: Speedier Herpes Treatment with Natural Medicine

Biogetica announced today its groundbreaking trial results on Herpes. Research shows that the combination of Hyperisince & Reginmune from the company can reduce treatment time and provide early treatment. New Delhi (, 2004 – Dr. T Vijayan, from the JSS School of pharmaceuticals, discovered that Hypericum Mysorense extracts, a rare Nilgiri Hills plant, could suppress the herpes Virus in-vitro. Herpes being the second most prevalent virus on the planet, this news was covered internationally for a couple of days. Articles like “A cure to herpes in Nilgiri Hills” were published. Some major pharmaceuticals decided to synthesize a molecule called ‘hypericin,’ which they used for Herpes & HIV trials. However, these trials were halted by the FDA because reports indicated that the synthetic hypericin molecules had side effects. Biogetica, a global group of Doctors and Scientists committed to natural medicine, was the only company that worked directly with the plant and did not use a synthetic version of the active molecule. It was a challenge to get it into cell membranes so that it could work in vivo. The blood-brain barrier was also crossed to reach the nerve ganglia, where herpes thrives. Biogetica entered clinical trials after 12 years of research. Hyperisince is made up of a mixture of plant molecules which allows Hypericum Mysorense enter the cell wall and produce an antiviral effect. The combination was patented both in India and the USA. In 2017, clinical trials were published that showed amazing results in treating Herpes. This dispelled the old myth that Ayurveda is slow to work and that people with Herpes always experience recurrences. The trial showed that an outbreak of herpes usually lasts for 21 days. Acyclovir, the FDA-approved pharmaceutical for herpes, can reduce this duration to nine days. Hyperisince combined with Reginmune reduced the average duration to just 3 days. In addition, 76% patients with genital shingles who were treated with Hyperisince plus Reginmune for a period of two years did not experience a relapse. Since then, Hyperisince is licensed by AYUSH to treat herpes. It has slowly gained popularity with both Doctors as well as Patients who are looking for a way to deal with this virus pest. Herpes is a serious condition that can leave a permanent scar on the body and mind. Herpes also triples the risk of HIV infection. Herpes antibodies will most likely remain in the body for the rest of one’s life, as antibodies are the body’s defense mechanism to protect itself. It is possible that their viral load can go to zero and they will not recur. Vijay Kamat said that the new development was “amazing” and “it is incredible to see how nature, in its original perfection, can outperform synthetic molecules.” Both Doctors and patients are becoming more aware of this reality. The old paradigm that patents and mimics molecules for profit are going away, as life’s perfection cannot be replicated in a laboratory. We will always be grateful to Doctors around the world who have helped us get to this point, and to those who realize that Hippocratic Oaths are made for patient healing and are not tied to a specific medicine system. Hyperisince, for example, has yet to sell 1/10th of the pharmaceutical that they outperformed during the studies. We continue to work because we receive letters of gratitude every day from somewhere. Details of the trial: 101 responses were evaluated. HSV-1 infected 31 patients; 48 were infected by HSV-2, and 17 had both types. Eighty-eight (87.13%) patients had previously been treated with another drug. Acyclovir is the most commonly used previous treatment. Seventy-six percent of patients reported symptom relief. The duration of herpes pain and nerve pain was reduced significantly after the Hyperisince treatment. The frequency of symptoms decreased. Hyperisince’s efficacy was greater when used for more than 4 months. Twenty-one patients gave Hyperisince a rating of 10 out of 10, and 58 participants gave it a rating >=5. Hyperisince relieved symptoms, reduced nerve pain and improved overall health. Hyperisince reduced the risk of a herpes outbreak when taken over a period of 4 months. The majority of patients gave efficacy a rating >=5 out of 10. Hyperisince’s efficacy was greater when it was used for more than four months. Herpes Simplex has now been ranked as the second most prevalent virus in the world, after the common cold. According to new research, being infected by herpes increases one’s risk of contracting HIV threefold. Acyclovir or Valtrex are antiviral creams and drugs that only treat Herpes symptoms. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy published a study on the Patient-reported outcome with Biogetica Hyperisince Formula. This study is groundbreaking as it shows that herbal supplements are sometimes more effective than pharmaceuticals. Biogetica’s products have also been approved by the AYUSH Department of Ayurvedic Medicine, Unani Medicine, Siddha Medicine, and Homeopathic Medicine as Ayurvedic Medicines for the Treatment of Herpes Simplica. Patent Number 808/MUM/2013 was published by the Indian Patent Office for Biogetica’s proprietary formulation Hyperisince, which combines Hypericum mysorense and other Anti-Viral herbs with a unique cell delivery mechanism. For your information, the US published a patent with number 10,744,175. To get more information about herpes cure, visit Biogetica’s website Media Contact immuno free [email protected]

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Biogetica’s Natural Approach to Trigeminal Neuralgia: Enhance Nerve Health

The pain can be debilitating and run through the teeth, jaw, cheeks, eyes, forehead, or even the teeth. The pain can be on one side or both. Trigeminal Neuralgia causes a shocking pain that can last a few moments but is intense enough to feel like an electric shock running through your face.

The conventional treatment for trigeminal neuropathy includes both medicine and surgery. The conventional system does not offer a trigeminal neuropathy cure. Natural remedies and herbs are helping some people find relief. You can use natural remedies to relieve this pain, including homeopathy, supplements, and herbs that strengthen the nerve. Biogetica offers a variety of natural remedies including holistic homeopathy and herbal ingredients that have been extensively researched to relieve pain and suffering. Click here to talk with a doctor at for free.

Natural Remedies for Trigeminal Neuralgia

There are five natural remedies that you can use to treat trigeminal neuropathy:

1. Applying heat or cold compresses to the painful area:

Applying a cold or hot compress on the painful area can provide relief. Use a hot compress or a water bottle to relieve the pain. To apply heat, you can use a wet washcloth or a beanbag. Cold compresses can provide pain relief. To relieve pain, you can apply an ice pack to the affected area. Switch between hot and cold compression to relieve pain.

2. Put pressure on the painful area:

Some people claim that a small draft of air is enough to trigger trigeminal symptoms, but applying pressure on the affected area can also relieve the symptoms. Press the affected area using your whole hand for desired results.

3. Identify triggers:

By identifying the triggers, you can minimize painful episodes. To relieve painful episodes, you can avoid triggers. Pain is usually felt when people eat, brush their teeth, talk, touch lightly, or feel a slight breeze. You can therefore avoid the common triggers in order to relieve pain.

4. Understanding the cause of pain:

Trigeminal Pain is difficult to treat because it affects a nerve. In the traditional system, doctors would recommend surgery. To get relief, you must try to understand the cause of your pain and change your diet. A healthy diet and physical activity are the best ways to relieve pain naturally.

5. Manage stress:

Meditation and yoga can help people with trigeminal neuropathy to manage their stress. Yoga and meditation will help you manage stress, but also improve your sleep.

Trigeminal Neuralgia Home Remedies

Home remedies may help relieve spasms. Home remedies for trigeminal neuropathy include:

Basil leaves

Due to its unmatched healing properties, holy basil has been used for centuries. It is not only effective in relieving pain, but it also strengthens the nerves. It is also a great way to relieve stress and contains a mixture of vitamins and minerals. It contains sodium, vitamin A, and vitamin K, which improve nerve strength and relieve pain. To relieve pain, you can apply a basil leaf paste to the area that is painful or eat slowly.


Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains gingival, a compound that relieves inflammation. Apply ginger oil to the painful area. You will feel relief in a short time.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil can be used as a home remedy to improve muscle strength and reduce spasms. The oil also relieves nerve pain and relaxes the muscles. To relieve pain, apply peppermint oil on the affected side.

Chamomile oil

The application of chamomile oil can also help to reduce inflammation. The application of chamomile can provide relief from trigeminal discomfort.

Lavender Oil

The anti-inflammatory properties of lavender oil are also known. Trigeminal pain can be relieved by applying lavender oil to the affected area of the face.

Trigeminal Neuralgia Natural management

Glycyrrhiza glabra:

This herb also goes by the name Licorice Root and has many healing properties. This herb has anti-spasmodic qualities and helps to manage pain spasms.

Asparagus racemosus:

Tradition has it that this herb is useful for dealing with pain, stress, and weakness. It is a natural tonic that rejuvenates the body and improves its overall health.


Hypericum is a great resonance homeopathic ingredient that calms nerves and supports the normal function of the myelin covering. Hypericum has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and pain-relieving properties.


Aconite, a homeopathic resonance ingredient, helps to heal the trigeminal nervous system quickly. It reduces the nerve stimulation which may occur in panic attacks and also helps to protect the myelin covering.

Biogetica offers a variety of multidisciplinary kits that include different ingredients, such as Aconite Hypericum Glycyrrhiza Glabra, etc. Reduce triggers and damage to the trigeminal nervous system. Biogetica has helped thousands of people live free from agonizing pain. If you are suffering from this painful and sharp condition, then consult one of our Holistic Doctors at

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Natural Approaches to Trigeminal Neuralgia | biogetica

It is also called the “worst of all pains” and “the suicide disease”. The pain can be so intense that it is difficult to manage. The pain can range from severe to sudden to stabbing to throbbing, depending on the type.

It has two branches on each side. Trigeminal because it has three branches. Three branches extend to the forehead chin and midface. The nerve carries pain and other sensations to the brain from the face. The trigeminal nerve can affect any branch.

It may be exacerbated by slight stimulation to the face such as shaving, brushing, or chewing. It is often described as a stabbing or stitching type of pain. Initially, people may only experience small amounts of pain. However, as the condition progresses they may feel longer and more frequent pain attacks. Trigeminal neuropathy symptoms can occur in cycles. The pain may come and go for several days, then subside. Pain can be continuous in some cases. Trigeminal neuropathy can be avoided by avoiding certain foods.

Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia

The pain is on the one side of your face. It can be made worse by performing the following actions:

  • Rasage
  • Brushing
  • While doing makeup
  • Chewing Your Food
  • Speaking
  • Touch
  • A cold breeze

Pain can last a few minutes or seconds. Remissions are common. Depression and anxiety can be caused by extreme pain and the fear of severe attacks. Suicidal thoughts may occur in some cases.

Here’s a list of guidelines to help you cope with trigeminal neuropathy:

  1. Proper Diagnosis: Consultation with a neurologist is essential to get tested and diagnosed at the earliest possible time.
  2. Selecting the Right Therapy: Consult a doctor to learn about the various treatment options available for trigeminal neuropathy. You can also get an idea of the pros and cons associated with each.
    Here’s a quick explanation: Anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers are used to treat Trigeminal Neuralgia. These medications provide temporary relief of symptoms. The root cause is not addressed. Natural alternatives include Ayurvedic remedies, homeopathic combinations, and dietary supplements like Cronisol-D or OM 13, which strengthen nerves and balance synapses between the nerves and bones.
  3. Eating right: Eat with mindfulness and with the best intentions. This will improve your health. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that are high in Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. These nutrients help improve nerve function and prevent spasms. Avoid cold and sweet foods and drinks such as ice creams, shakes, and pastries. To relieve pain, you should adhere to a trigeminal neuropathy diet.

Diet for Trigeminal neuralgia

Items Eat Avoid
Cereals Whole-grain bread, brown rice or whole-grain pasta, barley, oats, raisin-bran, oat-bran muffins, popcorn, and oat-bran muffins Bread, corn, biscuits, quick bread, and granola bars.
Fruits Watermelon, papaya, orange, raspberries, strawberries, kiwi, apples, Refrigerated salsa, salad dressing, and melons.
Vegetables Onions, cauliflowers, garlic, broccoli, peas corn, cucumbers, Brussels sprouts turnips. Raw vegetables
Nuts, seeds, and other nuts Almonds, pecans, and cashews. Flaxseeds. Fennel seeds. Walnuts, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds,
Drinks Water, carrot juice, beet, and lemon juice Unpasteurized drinks
Pulses Avocado oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, and coconut oil
Meat Salmon, tuna, mackerel, Fried chicken and red meat



Eat Strictly Avoid  Avoid 
Lots of Fruit Butter, margarine, and other dairy products are made with 2 percent or full milk. Eggs, peanuts,
Meat, shellfish, poultry, and eggs that are raw or undercooked. Tea, coffee, and alcohol
Reduce sugar and caffeine intake by eating sweets with a creamy filling Increased intake of sugar, salt, and oily food
Cream soups, cream sauces, butter croissants and rolls, cheese crackers, and butter rolls


              1. Exercise:

Exercise can reduce the symptoms of trigeminal neuropathy. Consult one of our doctors at to learn safe exercises.

             2. Diverting Techniques:

Instead of focusing on your pain, you should focus on all the positive things that are happening in your life. This will bring you positivity and give your life meaning. Relaxing techniques like yoga and meditation can be helpful. Take up a hobby such as reading, music, painting, writing, or sports.

            3. Keep a diary:

Keep a journal and record your experiences with food, supplements, and exercise. You will be able to better understand your condition, your triggers, and what you can do to relieve it.

             4. Counseling may help:

Some patients can develop depression or stress as a result of constant and excruciating pain. In such cases, a psychologist or supportive counseling can help treat trigeminal neuropathy. Here you can consult with one of our doctors to get health advice.

Traitement de la névralgie du trijumeau

The traditional system uses pain relief medications to reduce the pain and number of attacks. Anti-seizure drugs that block nerve function are used. Others prescribe muscle relaxants or anti-depressants.

Sometimes, the pain medication does not work and symptoms can be severe. Surgery may be recommended in such cases. However, it can cause other complications like scarring and the loss of other functions.

Complementary methods may also be used to relieve symptoms. Biogetica combines ayurvedic traditional herbs with advanced resonance homeopathy and nutraceuticals that are revolutionary to relieve pain. For more information about our health protocol or for expert advice on a wide range of health concerns, you can consult our doctors 24/7 at


Tous nos produits sont fabriqués dans des laboratoires certifiés GMP conformes à la FDA en Allemagne, en Suisse, aux États-Unis, en Inde et en Espagne. Ils sont dûment enregistrés auprès de la FDA comme suppléments diététiques, atténuations homéopathiques ou herbes ayurvédiques. Un soin extrême est apporté pour assurer une qualité et une pureté optimales. Biogetica est un site web visité à travers le monde. Certains pays considèrent l'Ayurveda, la MTC, les Suppléments, la Bioénergétique et l'Homéopathie comme des médicaments, tandis que d'autres ne le font pas. Afin de se conformer à diverses normes de la FDA de nombreuses nations, nous disons:

Ayurveda & Homeopathy may or may not qualify as medicine in your home jurisdiction. The complementary advice of our practitioners who are considered Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Doctors in some jurisdictions does not replace the medical advice given by your primary care physician. Biogetica’s Homeopathic products may be used for treatment of self limiting over the counter ailments in USA, India & Europe that support Homeopathy for OTC use. Biogetica’s Herbal remedies from the Ayurvedic, Chinese and other traditions may only be used to balance the 5 elements and rejuvenate organ systems in countries where Herbs, Ayurveda and TCM are not considered medicine. Biogetica’s ground breaking supplements may only be used to support the ideal structure and function of the various systems in the Human Body.

Les informations fournies sur ce site n'ont pas été évaluées par la Food and Drug Administration. Nos produits ne sont pas destinés à diagnostiquer, traiter, guérir ou prévenir une maladie.

* This peer reviewed and published research has most probably not been studied or approved by the FDA in your country as a treatment or cure. Hence no disease claims can be made and you are welcome to take the natural ingredients for (immunity, lung health, cardiovascular health, etc). Homeopathy is medicine in USA but only for OTC issues. Ayurveda is medicine only in India and TCM is medicine only in China. Switzerland supports insurance payments for Homeopathy.

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The product’s claims are based only on theories of homeopathy from the 1700s that are not accepted by most modern medical experts.

** Nos remèdes ont été traditionnellement utilisés en Ayurveda et Homéopathie depuis des siècles. Chaque remède a une quantité variable de recherche moderne derrière elle. Nous, en respectant la loi, ne prétendons pas à un remède miracle ou à des résultats permanents. Les résultats individuels peuvent varier d'un individu à l'autre.

*** Essayez nos produits maintenant! Notre garantie 100% de remboursement inconditionnel est valide pour 90 jours.

† All Homeopathic products are made in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, a document which has been published for over 100 years and which is recognized as an “official compendium” by Sections 501(b) and 502(e)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 351(b) and 352(e)(3) (“FD&C Act”).” These indications are based solely on traditional homeopathic use. They have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.

†† These testimonials are unsolicited and unedited except for the name of the sender. They contain the senders’ initials or first name only for purposes of privacy. These are actual emails from many we were able to help over the years. Testimonials represent a cross section of the range of outcomes that appear to be typical with these products. Your results may vary. We do however stand by our products and will refund you completely if our products don’t meet your expectations.

What we do is simply point you and your Doctors to independent research from all sources that we know of, on the ingredients or entire formulation of our natural products, which are Herbal, Ayurvedic, Bioenergetic, Homeopathic and Complementary in nature. We invite you to read these studies on our clinical trials page or on Results may vary from person to person as is depicted in the wide range of results seen in the clinical trials.



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